Wednesday, 3 October 2012

FORCE- not a solution

Force is not a solution to man’s problems.

End is not all that matters; it’s the means that determine the worth of it. Getting whatever we want may seem like the rule of the world but it is the willingness or the unwillingness of the givers that truly decide the legitimacy or the futility of forceful taking.

We live in a society where “Might is Right” is the adage that governs. If one has a strong backup, one becomes almost invincible. If you want it, you take it; the tears that conceal themselves behind the victim’s eyes are either ignored or unseen. But what can the victim do anyway? Does he even have an option? Even if he decides not to give, it will be taken; and not simply ‘taken’, he will be left only with few bruises if fate decides to turn in his favor.

One thing which every living soul testifies to is the fact that the society is never free of problems and that the society as a whole strives to find a solution. Very often we see the solution, we know the source of the solution, we even know the way to it but we are reminded that time can never be mastered upon. An obvious fact which many of us fail to notice or choose not to notice is the fact that whatever be the situation force is never the solution.

History never betrays the readers. We do not have to look beyond the oceans for an explanation of the same. Gandhi and his non-violent means and the ultimate result of over throwing an empire speak for itself. It is not that violence was never tried; they did but met with the same response. Violence begets violence indeed. Our own history tells us about the futility of resorting to force. We have a hope today, however bleak it may be, of reaching a solution to society’s problems. We may be rest assured that no force is being used and the positive outcome is evident.

Resorting to forceful means is not new to the world, it has its presence felt in the history of civilization and it has yielded no positive outcome. In areas where it succeeded, it was at the expense of the conquered; despotism and dictatorship was given birth to. The world today seeks solution to the very same problem. It will be unwise to even consider that a problem that resulted from force will be solved using force.

The society is tired of seeing history being repeated. The outcome is anybody’s guess. We search for a historic outcome but all we get is a historic cliché. Let us set aside force for a moment, who knows the solution may lie elsewhere?