Thursday, 15 December 2011

Pre-censorship of opinions!!

Opinions cannot be “booed”. My stand as a civilized individual.
But imposition of your ‘infamous’ opinion on the society is an overstepping of rational conduct and a serious breach of societal liberty.
Had social networking sites been part of the societal interaction back in late 1940s, I am certain Article 19 (1) (a) of the Indian Constitution would have read “to freedom of speech and expression, inter personal or cyberspace.
While pre-censorship of internet uploads seem preventive, it is infringement of the tenets of democracy. A country calling itself the 'largest democracy’ cannot, in safeguard of its integrity, cap the opinions of its citizens. Judiciary still is the sole arbitrator of law and an instance in the past has actually shown the court passing an ex parte ad interim injunction against a cyber defamatory suit.
Sensibility persists in allowing the citizens to let their emotions flow and  defamed individuals keeping judiciary on its toes.

1 comment:

  1. I like your thoughts pal. I can see you are a blogger in the making. I want to invite you to be a member of Naga Bloggers Association and get to know other Naga bloggers.
